Certification, audit & assurances services


We offer Certifications and Reports under the various Laws and Periodical/Management AUDIT which includes: Identifying areas for system improvement and strengthening internal controls, Safeguarding the assets and protecting them from unauthorized use or disposition, Ensuring proper & timely identification of liabilities, including contingent liabilities, Ensuring Compliance with the laid down policies and procedures, Reviewing the adequacy, relevance , reliability & timeliness of Management Information System and Financial Reporting System.
Our Clients in this category
1. Wajir County Government
2. Mandera County Government
3. National Bank
4. Takaful Insurance of Africa
5. Hass Petroleum
6. VEVO Energy
7. Vanoil (Oil Exploration and Production)
8. Soma Gas and oil (Oil Exploration and Production)
9. Teslor Corp
10. Vaalco oil
11. Sifa Investment Ltd
12. ADMO construction
13. Aldef Kenya
14. Arid Lands Development Agency
15. Noor Investments Ltd (Uganda)
16. NAICO Kenya
17. Amy Investments Ltd (Sychelles)
18. Taimiya Securities (Rwanda)
19. DahabShiil Money Transfer
20. Ramco International (UK, Philipines, Uganda)
21. Kenya Private Sector Alliance
22. Lobby Rubber (Congo, Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya)